Bankruptcy Documents Get a Real Overhaul

Effective December 1, 2015, the bankruptcy forms get a serious overhaul. In an effort to simplify the forms and provide an easier forum for pro se debtors (debtors filing without the benefit of an attorney) to file a bankruptcy, the forms underwent major revisions. However, as they say, the best of plans are often led […]


It is commonly asked by prospective bankruptcy clients if they will be able to keep their primary residence while filing a Chapter 7 or in the alternative whether they need to do a Chapter 13 to accomplish the same. So much depends upon the value of the property, the mortgage payoff(s), and the exemption permissible […]

Obama’s Loan Modification Program Gets a Bad Report Card

A recently released study by Cristy L. Romera, as reported in the New York Times, charged by the government to monitor the progress of government loan modifications, has announced that 72 percent of applications by borrowers have been rejected. Citibank, Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, are amongst the worst offenders. Their percentage rejection […]

Proposed New Rules for Payday Lenders

The federal agency responsible for monitoring the banking industry, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is proposing new rules to protect the American public from some of the unscrupulous lending practices of the payday lenders. The Agency is trying to find the right balance between predatory lending and the free flow of credit for people in […]

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